Aaki Corp
If you have a challenge or a problem that keeps you up at night – we can help.
We have over three decades of engineering design and development experience.
​Aaki has built solutions for the oil and gas, forestry, mining, agriculture, automotive industries- you name it and we have worked in it.
Our resources cover the gamut of engineering and software disciplines: microelectronics, mechanical, SCADA (before it was called the IoT), molding, machining, and all kinds of fabrication.
Our products offer superior quality and excellent service while understanding the demands and challenges of the industry.
Aaki Grounding Solutions specializes in designing and manufacturing electrical service industry products.
Our patent pending Motor Shaft Grounding System will protect your electric motor against damaging shaft voltages.
Aaki's proprietary motor shaft grounding solutions save you time, money and effort when mounting them to any motor.
Flexible Ordering Options: From One to Wholesale Quantities
Our Learn Centre is packed with information on electric motor shaft voltages, eddy currents, and bearing failures - perfect for expanding your knowledge.
Custom branding Aaki products is an excellent way to stay connected with your customers.
At Aaki, we strive to find a better way.It starts with a continuous cycle of creative and innovative designs and improvements, forged using superior materials, to create a product that is carried to the customer with best in class service, all with the goal to provide the best value possible.And when we have achieved that,
We start again, looking for a better way.Quality, Service, Integrity and Value. The Aaki way.