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Ameren and ComEd gain approval from ICC

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved Ameren Illinois’ and ComEd's refiled multi-year grid plans (2024-2027) with modifications, according to a December 17 press release.

The Commission approved $83 million in investments and system improvements needed to strengthen power grid reliability and support the ongoing electrification of the state’s power system. The decision cut the utility’s proposed $333 million in spending by approximately 75 percent. The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) required the state’s largest investor-owned electric utilities to file grid plans designed to accelerate progress toward Illinois’ clean energy goals and hold electric companies accountable for their performance. On the same day, it also approved fellow major electric utility ComEd's new grid plan.

“After extensive review, the Commission is confident that both Ameren and ComEd have the tools necessary to make needed investments to drive the clean energy transition and continue modernizing Illinois’ electric grid. These plans are a key component to meeting the goals of CEJA and represent significant improvement in meeting its requirements,” said ICC Chairman Doug Scott. “The investments approved today will deliver significant benefits to the utilities’ customers in an affordable, cost-effective manner.”


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