Burgeoning energy association awards youth cooperation from Moscow amidst war
In theme with our upcoming International issue, this association—proclaimed by members of Gazprom, Rosetti, and other European energy companies based in Russia whose interests have been profoundly affected by war—operates from the proverbial belly of the beast. It was motivated by many of the global energy crises currently facing the world, specifically the desire for international energy cooperation, as evidenced by its recent awards.
On September 1st, Global Energy announced the winners of its Young Scientist 4.0 educational program,started in July 2022. Based on the results of participation in Gazprom’s corporate youth program, 33 trainees were selected for the Young Scientist 4.0. During the first stage, they participated in master classes on development of self-presentation skills and attended a course of lectures of Russian and international experts in energy and global scientific cooperation. At the next stage, the specialists showed video presentations of their own research projects. The best of them were chosen by the working group members.
The winners are:
Mars Zakiryanov, Head of the Service for Managing the Technical Condition and Integrity of the Gas Transmission System (GTS) of Gazprom Transgaz Ufa;
Stanislav Kalyuzhny, Lead Engineer, Central Chemical Analytical Laboratory, Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar;
Nikita Konkov, Deputy Director of the Engineering and Technology Centre (ETC) of Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk.
“The Young Scientist 4.0 programme helps researchers in acquiring the skills to disseminate their ideas and developments more widely, both in the academic community and in the practical energy environment. In the future, it will be useful for their career, increase recognition and citation, which will help them qualify for prestigious awards,” said Sergey Brilev, the President of the Global Energy Association.
Each of the three winners will be assigned a mentor from among the industry leading experts. They will also be able to publish a joint chapter in the Global Energy Association’s next annual report, 10 Breakthrough Ideas in Energy for the Next 10 Years.
The award ceremony is to take place on the eve of the Power Engineers’ Day, in St. Petersburg, December 2022.
The Association for the development of international research and projects in the energy sector –nominally “Global Energy” – is a non-governmental organization, created for the advancement and support of innovation within the realm of energy, and for the development of cooperation in energy.
The creation of the Global Energy was proclaimed at a Russia-EU summit. The Association has been in operation since 2002.
"Our goal is to boost the international status of the Global Energy Prize – to enhance its broad profile world-wide and to promote the establishment of open dialogue in the fuel and energy sector by creating a discussion platform for interaction between enterprises and between countries," Global Energy states on its public website. The Association is an active participant in international events and holds its own events in different countries.
Prize laureates and members of the Global Energy Prize International Award Committee also draw up the annual report containing their view of the sector’s future – in the form of “10 Ideas in Energy for the Next 10 Years”. The report’s contents are overseen by the association’s experts.