Seymour, McNamara, Rossiter named to international positions
The Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA) announced new international officers
for the 2022-2023 administrative year.

• Chairman of the Board: Sid Seymour of Seymour-Smith Electric Motor & Pump Service
in Burlington, Ontario, Canada
• Vice-Chairman: Sean McNamara of Komatsu in Rutherford, New South Wales,
• Secretary/Treasurer: Paul Rossiter of Energy Management Corp. in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Chairman Seymour has 36 years of experience in the electrical apparatus industry.
He has been active in EASA’s Ontario Chapter and was Director of EASA Region 8 that
includes all Canadian provinces. He has served on numerous EASA International Committees,
including the Executive, Marketing & Industry Awareness, and Associate Member Advisory
Serving on the Executive Committee with the above officers are Immediate Past Chairman,
Tim Bieber of D-Electric, Inc. in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, Barry Bullard of EMI Power &
Automation, Inc. in Decatur, Alabama, and Mathis Menzel of Menzel Elektromotoren GmbH in
Berlin, Germany.