We thought the same thing.
Electric Avenue Webinar Series starts this week! by The Grid-of-Grids Tuesday, July 12 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET An introductory "energy systems-in-transition" overview of the evolving integration of nanogrids and microgrids with current utility, cooperative, and municipal macrogrids.
Moderator: Brian T. Patterson, Co-Founder & Chairman, EMerge Alliance Panelists: Gary Oppedahl, Vice President, Emera Technologies David Lawrence, Technology Manager, Duke Energy Emerging Technology and Innovation Center John Reynolds, CEO, Agile Fractal Grid The transition to a cleaner, electricity-centric energy economy is forcing the issue of grid adequacy. One answer is the greater use of distributed energy resources, primarily incorporated into distributed microgrids that can bi-directionally exchange power in an increasingly transactive mesh network of grids. The advantages are increasingly apparent, but so are also challenges. This webinar will discuss the basic configuration options included in the Grid-of-Grids solution to provide more clean power at the grid edge. A part of this discussion will include the increasing use of direct current and hybrid AC/DC microgrid architectures. Interconnection challenges faced by operators on both sides of the meter will be reviewed, including the notion of a semi-autonomous balancing authority which can manage “Ask/Offer” arbitration, virtual and physical firewalling of control and power flow in a zero-trust cyber environment, physical power flow safety, and metering and revenue management. Test, pilot and real time commercial examples of power systems that are addressing and resolving these issues will be reviewed and discussed.
