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Plans for the Future

The Best Service Shop Layouts Published by Electrical Apparatus

By Kevin Jones

Published by Electrical Apparatus. Twenty-eight examples of tried-and-true schemes for service shop layout. Find ways of organizing electrical service and sales departments that have evolved through trial-and-error.

76 pages; 28 illustrations; paperback.

Plans for the future

SKU: BB002

    Managers of electrical service companies planning to expand their plants or build new ones need to look no further than this book for examples of tried- and-true methods of service shop layout. Selected from twenty years' worth of floor plans published in Electrical Apparatus magazine, the diagrams in this book show ways of organizing electrical service and sales departments that have evolved through trial-and-error and stood the test of time.

    Diagrams in the book have been divided into three groups:

    Shops with a greater commitment to repair than to new product sales.

    Facilities where new product sales are as important as--and in some cases more important than--repair. These facilities generally feature large warehouses in the back and display areas up front, where customers enter.

    A few hypothetical shops that combine the best elements of shops in the first two groups. These shops may represent the closest thing to an "ideal" we can hope to find in an industry as diverse and rapidly changing as the electrical aftermarket.

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